Classes & Workshops - We Come to You!
We offer a range of classes and workshops which can be tailored to your company's needs and can be offered at your place of work during a lunch time, after work or for team away-days. All class materials provided.

Drawing Classes
Using soft drawing pencils, charcoal and coloured pastels is very therapeutic and a great antidote to a day spent working at a computer screen.
Led by experienced art tutors, all sessions are lively, thought-provoking and revelatory. The most common comment after classes is, “That was the most relaxed I have felt in months!”
Click here to see a complete list of drawing classes.
Learn to Knit and Natter!
As well as helping to reduce stress and anxiety, knitting is also a sociable activity - get to know colleagues better whilst acquiring a completely new skill.
Classes are led by Rachael, founder of her own knitwear brand, who will teach you the basics of knitting. By the end of the first session you'll be well on your way to making your first scarf.
Singing for Health and Wellbeing
Whether it's for team-building, or a one-off treat, singing can enhance your confidence, communication and presentation skills as well as reducing stress levels and releasing endorphins.
Workshops are led by professional singer and choral trainer, Phil, who creates a fun, safe and open atmosphere encouraging everyone to join in and sing their heart out.
The Best & The Worst of the British Monarchy
Which monarch burst open when squeezed into their coffin?
Was "Bad King John" really that bad?
This workshop provides a brief overview from 1066 to the present day, focusing on some of the more fascinating monarchs through the ages—you'll discover all sorts of shocking facts. Complete with quizzes and games, it's all very relaxed and low key but packed full with interesting material. Go back to your afternoon's work with a real sense of achievement!
Signposts to the Past
Fitzroy Square, Spitalfields, Covent Garden...
The place names around us are 'signposts to the past' but how much do we actually know about the London of yesteryear? This workshop helps you to decode Britain's place names, and explores the past, considering some major changes that have taken place, such as the disappearance of the River Fleet. With quizzes and decoding exercises, this workshop will really open your eyes to the city around you and its fascinating history.
Women Through the Ages
Until 1975 a woman couldn't open a bank account. Until 1982, it was legal to refuse to sell a woman a drink in a pub.
Even today we see struggles for gender equality in many areas of life, but women have made real strides in the last century. This workshop looks at gender equality in Britain and focuses on some of the major turning points. You'll discover a new-found respect for what women have achieved and see today's society from a whole new perspective.
Shakespeare Off By Heart
'To be, or not to be...' Most of us can quote a line or two, but how many of us know much - if any - Shakespeare off by heart?
Learning off by heart improves the function of the memory and enhances neuroplasticity. You'll also get a great sense of achievement as you discover the meaning behind some of Shakespeare's most famous works.
Join a session with a professional actor, and use your lunch break to escape to fair Verona, Dunsinane or indeed the rotten state of Denmark...
Caricature Drawing
Caricature Drawing is highly rewarding and very enjoyable - you will find you quickly become immersed in your own artistic interpretation of a
well-known politician or celebrity.
Classes include a brief history of caricature, looking at its origins and at the different styles of its practitioners. You will learn to analyse the proportions of the face and observe movement and expression, highlighting appropriate characteristics to arrive at an accurate description of personality.
Improvisation for Beginners
Let your creative side break free and say "Yes" to learning more about yourself and others, with our beginner Improvisation Workshops.
Start with basic improvisation games, and work your way up to improvising a group scene together. A perfect way to build a team, whether you spend the session on the beach, in an underwater lair, or on the moon.
These sessions not only help you to think on your feet, but they are perfect for team-building activities or away-days.
Woodwork, DIY & Crafts
If you fancy a real break from the office then why not treat your team to a complete change? We provide off-site workshops in DIY, woodwork and other crafts.
Workshops can be either a half-day or a whole-day out and if you spend your days typing at a keyboard or in a job with abstract goals, the level of satisfaction from learning a practical skill is a wonderful stress buster.
Learn about wood-turning, carving or even make your own wooden stool which you then take home to show family and friends!
Art Appreciation
Art can be appreciated simply for the effect it has on us when we look at it, but it is even more rewarding once we learn more about it, and then are able to talk about it.
Our interactive Art Appreciation sessions can be delivered as a single class or as part of an extended course, revealing the delights of periods in art such as the Renaissance, the Impressionists or Post-Modernism.
Open your eyes to the enriching world of art history, and you will discover a whole new way of looking at things.
Whether it's a one-off session or an extended course, bring your DSLR and discover how to really make the most of your camera, whilst enjoying a profitably-spent lunch break with like-minded colleagues.
Learn about exposure, aperture, shutter speed and ISO, and put your learning into practice, focusing on a range of subjects such as portraits, landscapes, or photographing movement.
Discover the reward of being able to capture a specific look, place or moment, as well as the endless possibilities of your camera.
Creative Writing
When did you last sit and write something down, just because you wanted to? Something that wasn't a shopping list or a to-do list - in fact, anything that wasn't a list?
This workshop is about learning to reconnect with the creative power of writing, spending time focusing on the continuous inner chatter. Now that we have access to emails, notifications and calls wherever we go, the escapism of daydreaming has been forgotten.
Rediscover the satisfaction of filling a page with your handwriting, and you'll be surprised at how calm and refreshed you'll feel by the end of the session.
A London Tour of Art
If you've often felt you'd like to experience more when visiting London's art galleries, then look no further than our virtual 'London Tour of Art'.
Participate in a number of team activities as well as learning about how key works in some of London's most prestigious collections such as the Wallace Collection, The National Gallery and Tate Britain, fit into the story of art.
By the end you'll not only feel equipped to hold down a decent conversation about the topic, but you'll find yourself looking at the world of art from a whole new perspective!
Drawing Classes
Speed Drawing
Anyone can draw! Speed Drawing is the unique tried and tested method of our experienced tutors. Drawing quickly has been proven to use the right side of the brain; when we use the right brain we don’t analyse or overthink, which can be a refreshing change. Come and learn to draw, and you’ll be amazed by how rewarding it can be.
Draw Your Lunch
So many people take a picture of their food before they eat – we show how actually making a sketch of your food is far more memorable. Participants are encouraged to bring salad, cheese, bread, fruit, drinks etc. Some extra unusual edible items will be provided. Drawing over lunch is a great way of bringing a team together.
Creative Drawing for Relaxation
After some short demonstrations we turn on the music and provide a series of objects to draw using colour pastels. Each session has a theme such as musical instruments, fashion or the natural world. These sessions are perfect for winding down but simultaneously engage the brain and provide you with a new creative perspective on your day.
Life Drawing
There is nothing more relaxing and at the same time as challenging as drawing a human figure. Drawing from either nude or clothed professional models, participants are taught the basic principles of life drawing. Even experienced famous artists still take life drawing classes to keep up their skills. Probably the most challenging, yet most popular and possibly most rewarding of all the art sessions.
Further Drawing Classes
We offer further drawing classes, all of which can be tailored to the season or to suit a particular theme.
Contact us to find out more.
Creative Vibrant Watercolours
Watercolours used to be an old fashioned medium but now there are new vibrant watercolour inks that can be used in a number of creative ways to make exciting artwork. Aprons provided. Unleash untapped creativity and enjoy seeing the results!
Photography Classes
Photograph Your Lunch
Food gives us a lot of pleasure and also makes a delightful photography subject. Photographing food is about aesthetic appreciation and expressing gratitude. This workshop will help you capture the wholesomeness of your lunch and demonstrate the joyful aspect of food preparation as you learn about lighting, composition, colour balance and editing.
Street Photography
Street photographers believe that beauty lies in day-to-day truth.
In the street, you will encounter all walks of life – people, building fronts, commuters, graffiti, etc. This workshop will help you become aware of the space surrounding you, the people or objects that move in and out of this arbitrary space, and how to capture the atmosphere of the street around you.
Finding Your Voice as a Photographer
One of the main challenges as photographers is to “be ourselves” and do what sets us apart as artists. We achieve this by owning our “artistic voice” and eventually developing our style, based on inspiration and self-discoveries. This class will help you look at the patterns and style that you have to help develop your visual voice.
Photographing Nature
Nature has a healing power, and photography is an effective tool with which to document and enjoy the outdoors, seeing the subtle changes in the environment. Whether outdoors or indoors, this class will help you prepare for any further nature photography, so that you can fully capture the beauty and fascination of the natural world around us.
Photographing at Night
Not a lunch time class, but one that teaches you how to take stunning shots in the early evening light, and how to include street lights and other illuminations to capture an image that recreates the atmosphere of the city at night. Taking pictures at dusk can be tricky, but this class helps you to use those lighting issues to your advantage!